14 may 2009

May unexpected events [Bearville Times]

Check it out the surprise events that appear in bearville times:

-New stuff in bearville outfiters store-May 20

-Shea Megale at chloe show !-May 18

-Get a job in the cofee shop!-(no date)

-Meet Endless Hugs Teddy-May 17

-Find Sparkly snow leopard in the friendship forest meadow for a free gift!-May 20-31

-Visit Pawlette Coufur for a free memorial gift!-May 25

June unexpected events (only one in this time):

-Visit the JR cybear hearquarters to get a NEW BACKPACK STYLE!!-Starting June 10

PS: Game of the month: Bear-2-Bear Baseball earn X2 bearbills!!! XD

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