This adorable spotted leopard furry friend has sparkling fur.
Price: $18.00
-Play together online for FREE at® and get all this FREE virtual stuff!
-A virtual furry friend
-3,000 Bear Bills to spend in Build-A-Bearville™
-An exclusive reward (tail and ears)
-An extra room & wallpaper for your Cub Condo™ house
29 may 2009
28 may 2009
New books making for you!
27 may 2009
Yo-Yo emotion code!
26 may 2009
Shiny hair!
25 may 2009
24 may 2009
New stuff i Pawlette Coufur Boutique!
21 may 2009
Welcome to Build a bearville Sparkly Snow Leopard!
20 may 2009
New stuff in Bearville oufiters!
18 may 2009
Attention Jr. CybearGuides!
Shea and Mercer at the Chloe Show!
17 may 2009
Next things in BabV! cofee shop
Update that are coming...
bearville times:
Can you check this in the bearville news? of the coffe shop the next update?
you see the final line who saids: "Use your moves to eat and drink" and you dont have it? but after its cancelled the trades, i have it the moves already! and i remeber this is what the form to have it, but when it puts the trades i dont have it D: but when you make a click in the fork you will see the wing movements
buscar wait for the next update... I cant wait!!! :D
bearville times:
Can you check this in the bearville news? of the coffe shop the next update?
you see the final line who saids: "Use your moves to eat and drink" and you dont have it? but after its cancelled the trades, i have it the moves already! and i remeber this is what the form to have it, but when it puts the trades i dont have it D: but when you make a click in the fork you will see the wing movements
buscar wait for the next update... I cant wait!!! :D
Other Baseball Bear...
New Baseball Bear!!!
It looks like AmandaBearLove and Rosemarie704 went for the Build-A-Bear Workshop during the 7th inning stretch! Check out their new baseball bears!
For more info on how Build-a-Bear is teaming with Major League Baseball see the April Bearville Insider article Take Me Out to the Ballgame....
AmandaBearLoves's St Louis Cardinals Fred Bird
16 may 2009
New Endless Hugs Teddy!
Start your summer of hugs today! This cuddly cutie is pink and orange tie dyed with long eyelashes and a cute heart nose.
Price: $18.00
Play together online for FREE at® and get all this FREE virtual stuff!
-A virtual furry friend
-3,000 Bear Bills to spend in Build-A-Bearville™
-An exclusive reward (a cool shirt of heart)
-An extra room & wallpaper for your Cub Condo™ house
14 may 2009
May unexpected events [Bearville Times]
Check it out the surprise events that appear in bearville times:
-New stuff in bearville outfiters store-May 20
-Shea Megale at chloe show !-May 18
-Get a job in the cofee shop!-(no date)
-Meet Endless Hugs Teddy-May 17
-Find Sparkly snow leopard in the friendship forest meadow for a free gift!-May 20-31
-Visit Pawlette Coufur for a free memorial gift!-May 25
June unexpected events (only one in this time):
-Visit the JR cybear hearquarters to get a NEW BACKPACK STYLE!!-Starting June 10
PS: Game of the month: Bear-2-Bear Baseball earn X2 bearbills!!! XD
-New stuff in bearville outfiters store-May 20
-Shea Megale at chloe show !-May 18
-Get a job in the cofee shop!-(no date)
-Meet Endless Hugs Teddy-May 17
-Find Sparkly snow leopard in the friendship forest meadow for a free gift!-May 20-31
-Visit Pawlette Coufur for a free memorial gift!-May 25
June unexpected events (only one in this time):
-Visit the JR cybear hearquarters to get a NEW BACKPACK STYLE!!-Starting June 10
PS: Game of the month: Bear-2-Bear Baseball earn X2 bearbills!!! XD
New Backpack Color!
We've been asking for new Backpack color choices since the launch of Buildabearville and it seems our wish will be granted soon!! Check out the good news that was posted in the new Bearville Times!
Have you also noticed that your backpack now appears in your inventory? You can't remove this item but there's a mysterious wall of backpacks displayed on the first floor of the Bearville Outfitters!! Check it out!
Fireworks Find Request!
Start the new Fireworks Find Quest by clicking on the fountain (right hand side) in the Friendship Forest Park!
Thanks to Bearville Insider members LaurenBlue50 and Flappy9807/MilenaFlower we have the locations and pawsome pictures of the fireworks! Find 5 firecrackers throughout Bearville to be awarded a super cool new "Salute Move"!! No spoilers read the locations and see pictures please refer to Flappy's thread inside the forum CLICK HERE!
New furniture in BearStuff Store!
New Paws for Nature - Snow Leopards!
The new Paws for Nature Magazine is out in Build-a-Bearville. Check your tables in your Cub Condos and read the new issue, which is about Snow Leopards. Make sure to read carefully so that you can answer the Quiz Questions at the end. If you answer them correctly, you'll get a new Leopard Print Hat! Thanks to hi900 for providing us with a picture of hers!
13 may 2009
Today in build a bearville 2:00- 2:30:you cant play babv because is changed the dens.
3:00 to all the hours: you can play babv and you can view the new dens!
6:00-when noticed the hour: you cant click to the trades
sO crazy day (lol) haha
see you next time in babw news!
Reporter: FannyRockStar :D
3:00 to all the hours: you can play babv and you can view the new dens!
6:00-when noticed the hour: you cant click to the trades
sO crazy day (lol) haha
see you next time in babw news!
Reporter: FannyRockStar :D
12 may 2009
Rosemarie704 from our Build-a-Bearville Forum discovered that her Flamingo Furry Friend appears to be eating from the harvested fruit baskets. We're not sure if it's just a glitch, or a feature in Build-a-Bearville, but it looks like her Furry Friend has eaten some of the fruit. The baskets can still be sold for 50 Bear Bills even though they are half-full or empty. She has tried turning the basket and moving it and it still appears the same! Here's her post on the forum
I was just setting up a few baskets in a room and switched over to another room. and when i came back, some of my fruits and veggies were missing =0(. i'm not sure if it's part of BABV's plan for the baskets (if they plan on making the fruits and veggies eddible or perishable) or if it's a glitch. i even mannaged to capture a picture of the baskets...
I wonder if our furry friends are eating the fruits and veggies we're harvesting and leaving out. was just curious to see if it's happening to anyone else too or if it's just me. Pinky just loves all the veggies and fruits (she's always throwing kisses at them, lol).
New quest: Endles Hugs Teddy!
9 may 2009
New code for 500 bear bills!
This code is for 500 bearbills found in
The code for the bear bills is: free-bear-bill.
Thanks Yolanda! [bearville insider member]
The code for the bear bills is: free-bear-bill.
Thanks Yolanda! [bearville insider member]
7 may 2009
The trees are harvest!
Krissyangel of our Build-a-Bearville forum was the first to report reaching level 5 on her Cherry Tree! She proceeded to harvest the tree, and earned herself a Cherry Basket, which is shown below in her kitchen (the basket is in the middle).
She also reports that, although it's a basket, it's technically a furniture item so it cannot be carried.
Shea and Mercer to return to build a bearville-3 new furry friends moves!
According to the most recent press release on Buildabear.Com, Shea Megale and Mercer are coming back to Build-a-Bearville. Listening to Shea's interview on the Chloe Show will earn you a free gift and, thanks to Mercer, your Furry Friends can learn three new moves!
Shea and Mercer originally appeared in Build-a-Bearville back in April of 2008 and their appearance and her avatars are still talked about today! Here's a picture of the two of them from last year!
From May 18 to May 31, Shea and Mercer will return to Build-A-Bearville, back by popular demand. Shea will be appearing on The Chloe Show to be interviewed by ChloeRocks™, the avatar spokesperson for Build-A-Bearville and to discuss her cause. Guests who watch Shea’s interview will receive a FREE virtual gift. Inspired by Mercer and all assistance dogs, Guests of® can visit the gymnasium to teach their virtual furry friends to do three new moves by playing minigames. After Guests earn all three moves, they can continue to play and earn Bear Bills® to shop for virtual Build-A-Bearville stuff.
5 may 2009
Happy 5 de Mayo!
4 may 2009
Next star in lets talk about love!
The next star of hugs love peace is Natalie Cole
Get this download of our exclusive Build-A-Bear Workshop® song, Let's Talk About Love, performed by Natalie Cole as a thank you for your $1 donation to Save the Children®.
Includes a FREE Let’s Talk About Love Tee for your online character at®!
You will get your song download code and virtual gift code instantly on your confirmation page after checkout.
Price: $1.00
New Code- BVO shirt in build-a-bearville!
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